- Autism/ ADHD/ Vaccines/ Pediatrics:
- Elizabeth Mumper, M.D., FAAP. The Rimland Center
- Elisa Song, M.D., Healthy Kids Happy Kids - Advise and Adventures with Holistic Mama Doc
- ADHD Without Drugs by Sanford Newmark M.D. (2010)
- Physicians for Informed Consent - Allergy/ Asthma:
- The Allergy Solution by Leo Galland M.D. Jonathan Galland J.D. (2016)
- Neutralization of Phenolic (Aromatic) Food Compounds by Abram Ber, M.D. - Anxiety/ Depression/ Meditation/ Self-Care:
- Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression by James S. Gordon M.D. (2009)
- Center for Body Mind Medicine - Self Care Videos
- Guided Meditations - UCLA
- Buteyko Breathing
- Yoga: In Depth Study - Chad Hamrin - Autoimmune disease/ Lyme Disease / Paleo Diet/ Multiple Sclerosis:
- The Lyme Solution by Darin Ingels, N.D. (2018)
- The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, M.D. (2015)
- The Thyroid Connection by Amy Myers, M.D. (2017)
- The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan Blum, M.D. and Mark Hyman, M.D. (2013)
- The Wahl’s Protocol by Terry Wahls, M.D. (2014) - Cancer / Alzheimer's / Ketogenic Diet / Organic Acids Test (OAT):
- The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Nasha Winters N.D. and Jess Higgins Kelley (2017)
- Outside the Box Cancer Therapies by Paul Anderson, N.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. (2018)
- Nourishing Connections Cookbook by Cathryn Couch and JoEllen DeNicola (2012)
- The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz (2009), Online Course (2016)
- Donald I. Abrams, MD, Integrative Oncologist. Online videos
- The End of Alzheimer's by Dale Bredesen, M.D. (2017)
- Organic Acids Test - Great Plains Laboratory - Diabetes/ Cholesterol/ Food Nutrition:
- Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet, Ph.D. and Shou-Ching Jaminet, Ph.D. (2012)
- Eat Fat, Get Thin by Mark Hyman M.D. (2016)
- The Swift Diet by Kathie Madonna Swift (2014)
- The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren D. Min, Daniel Amen M.D.(2014) - Elimination Diet/ Therapeutic Diet:
- The Elimination Diet by Tom Malterre and Alissa Segersten (2015) - EMF:
- Create Healthy Homes Oram Miller - Gastrointestinal/ SIBO/ Immunity:
- The Gut Institute: Gut Bugs. Not Drugs Grace Liu, PharmD - Best Probiotic for SIBO/Sensitive guts!
- The Inside Tract by Gerard E. Mullin, Kathie Madonna Swift (2011)
- Bristol Stool Chart - Choose Your Poo! - Fun Stool Chart for Adults and Children - Menopause/ Women's Health/ Hormone Balance/ Migraines:
- Aviva Romm M.D.
- Schwarzbein Principle by Diana Schwarzbein, M.D. (1999) - Musculoskeletal/ Sports / Pain:
- Spine Health - Educational Videos
- Recipes:
- Rebecca Katz - Muffins, Bone Broths and Soups
- Elimination Diet Resources by Alissa Segersten
- Nom Nom Paleo - Awesome Instant-Pot recipes!
- The New York Times - Eat Well - Sustainable Food:
- Wild Local Seafood
- Diamond Mountain Ranch - Grass-fed Meats
- Santa Monica Farmer's Markets